STIA Centennial Labs

India Innovation Lab
STIA faculty created the first SFS Centennial Lab and have been responsible for the majority of the labs offered to date, including:
- The Arctic Destabilization Lab where students were able to observe firsthand the growing concerns of the people in the Arctic region caused by climate change including glaciers melting, coastal erosion, and devastation of ecosystems.
- The India Innovation Studio which has brought students to India to work with the government of Maharashtra in developing solutions to drought;
- The International Air Quality Lab which has students working in teams in the maker hub to build air quality sensors and deploy them around campus and DC;
- The Climate Diplomacy Lab which has included students traveling to attend the UN climate negotiations and students working on projects for the State Department’s climate negotiators here in Washington;
- The Syndemics Seminar which created a student-led think tank to develop and publish innovative approaches to global health problems;
- The Applied Biotechnology Lab which experimented with gene editing technology and involved students in hands on CRISPR experiments;
- The Python for Policy Lab which taught students how computer programming can be used in policy careers;
- The Civic Technology Lab which helped students take their civic technology ideas and convert them into a working prototype using artificial intelligence tools.

The Syndemics Seminar